The Granite State

The Pemigewasset Wilderness, New Hampshire
 The counter clockwise loop, affectionately known as the Semi-Pemi, begins and ends at Lincoln Woods. Up the Osseo Trail, which was a good haul up elevation but a sure-footed trail, to the Franconia Ridge. Along the ridge and then down the other side, the Granite part of the state's moniker is painfully evident. Coming off Mount Lafayette towards Garfield Ridge was my undoing. Knee busting and toe nail annihilating, this is where I decided to make it Semi instead of Full. Garfield has a crazy accent and descent, boulder strewn and hand over foot Class 3. Following the more mellow Franconia Brook Trail down from the ridge brought me to 13 Falls and a reprieve from bouldering. The final walk out was serene forest bathing.
 First views from the Ridge starting with Mount Flume.
 Crossing the Pemigewasset after a downpour.
Not depicted here, but Franconia Ridge is one of the most popular day hikes in the White Mountains. The walk across will not be a lone wilderness experience but will give you miles of mountains to absorb on a clear day. 

Take Aways
As always, hike your own hike, your own speed, your own reroute, your own adjustments to find your own joy.
On nights that might get below freezing, sleep with your Sawyer water filter in your sleeping bag so it doesn't freeze.
I do love through hikers. When I needed to ditch my dusk assent to the Mount Garfield managed site, I tagged on with a few through hikers who were gracious with advice, entertaining with stories, and cheerful in outlook.

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